Toilets and bathrooms – Chiusa/Klausen
Duration of residence: July 24 – August 21, 2015
Vernissage: August 21, 2015, 7 pm
»Altes Gericht«
Oberstadt 62 – 63
39043 Klausen/Chiusa (I)
Inga Shalvashvili (1983, Tbilisi – Georgia)The Main idea of each project is to show the most hidden sides of it, find the cross points and vibrations of the direct spaces, where two or more sides meet.
Today, toilets at border areas are hardly influenced by neighbouring cultures. Foreign locations, shapes, systems, emotive and personal opinion elements, national values and even changes in political and moral ideals have an influence on the transformation of bathroom complex reality. YES – The social and participatory factor is decisive sometimes. My project is mostly based on communication, viewing and feeling the mood of the actual places that need to be worked on.
My goal is to show up the anthropology of bathrooms and society according to it, experimenting with different media.
Photos: Veronika Stabinger, Karin Reichhalter